Background To Third Party Auditor (TPA) Network User Access

PrimusLabs software is available to the whole supply chain in electronic and paper format. The different user types are explained here PrimusLabs Audit Software Users, Auditor Types.

PrimusLabs has an Auditing Department which provides a full 3rd Party Food Safety Audit Program utilizing both PrimusLabs employed auditors and sub-contracted auditors, who perform audits on an as needed basis. Whether an audit is performed by a PrimusLabs employee or a subcontractor, the booking, contracts, audit execution, audit report, auditor training, audit quality assurance, software development/management and associated administration costs are included in the price of the audits.

PrimusLabs has for many years made the auditing software accessible to as many parts of the supply chain as possible. For example, the ability for an auditee to check their operations, both for their internal audit needs and also in preparation for external audits (2nd Party and 3rd Party). With respect to 3rd Party Audits, requests for PrimusLabs to provide the audit template software for use by 3rd Party Auditing companies but without using the Auditing Department services, led to the 3rd Party Auditor Network User Program (TPA Network Users), formerly known as the Affiliate Auditor Program.

These TPA Network Users market their own services and use PrimusLabs as a software provider for their services. The TPA Network Users are a mixture of individual auditors, small auditing firms and large multi-national auditing companies.

Relationship between Auditing Products & Auditor Entities

PrimusLabs Contracted and Third Party Auditor Network User Auditor Development Requirements


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Primus Group, Inc. is a privately held investor-owned California corporation providing microbiological and pesticide residue analysis of food, database management services, and management of third party auditing schemes.